Bodydesign werkt met vaste internationale gastartiesten. Ieder van hen heeft zijn/haar eigen specialisatie en kan je persoonlijke ontwerpen laten uitwerken. We vormen een hecht team en werken ook graag samen tattoo concepten uit.

Cesar Pimenta
from Portugal,
Traveling Artist
Tattoo artist since 2010.
Loves the animal theme, a huge fascination in drawing wolves. Specialised in neotraditional and dark shading. You also can find him on international conventions
such as Hong Kong, Milaan, Berlin and more to come… his calmness and passion for tattoos is a joy to work with.

Giulio Cesare
from Italy
Traveling Artist
International Pro Tattoo Artist.
Specialised in realistic black and white.
“In my brain colour is joy, in Art there is only the elegance and sensuality of the greyscale…”
The subjects are the most varied, portrets of people and animals are mixed with objects, landscapes, works of art and atmospheres from every era.